The measuring standard of the electromagnetic flowmeter (Magmeter) depends on the Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction; whereby a voltage is instigated by an electrical conveyor going through a magnetic field. A lot of electromegnetic flow meter manufacturers in India but we provides electromagnetic flow meter at low cost with advanced technology.
In electromagnetic flowmeter, the medium acts as the electrical conductor when flowing through the meter tube, the incited voltage is relative to the average flow speed (the higher the voltage, the faster the flow rate).
The initiated voltage is gotten by a couple of electrodes (mounted in the meter tube) and transmitted to a stream transmitter to deliver different institutionalized yield signals. Utilizing the pipe cross-sectional area, the volumetric flow is monitored and calculated by the transmitter.
The equation is relevant to the given voltage: U = kBVD where
Choose us because we are the one of the electromagnetic flowmeter manufacturers which provide flow meter with the complete installation and also provide services in future regarding electromagnetic flow meter.
If you'd like to talk with a sales representative about purchasing our products and services, you can reach us here.